
Anthony Weiner, the hot dog democratic senator got his Weiner in a bind. Sex scandals and politicians go together like hot dogs and sauerkraut. From hiring escorts while publicly abusing their power to take them down (N.Y governor Spitzer), to trying to get free sex in a public restroom from someone of the same sex while claiming to be against gay rights (Larry Craig), Sex addiction is big business with all these wieners.

They’re not the only ones getting caught lusting over buns- Tiger Woods, Steven Phillips (ESPN analyst), Mark Sanford (rep. S.C gov.) and the list goes on and on. With so many wieners in hot water, a quick thinking Sex worker can get rich opening up a hot dog stand. I’m not talking about the type that puts mustard and relish on their dogs. I’m referring to these so-called sex rehab specialist that get rich trying to put these dog’s wieners on a leash. Wouldn’t it make more sense to consult with a Sex Worker, Someone who knows these tricks better than the professionals that serve them? Sex workers live by a code of law and would do anything to keep current or former customers happy even at the expense of losing valuable market share.

How can one claim to be a sex-pert without consulting with the Sex Worker professionals who these wieners share their every secret with. Here’s a jewel for all my hard working Sex Workers getting money out there: go invest in a consulting degree. Then open up shop as a sex-addict consultant. Knowing these clients for what they are and not what they seem to be will make all the difference in teaching these men how to enjoy a woman’s company sexually. Or make them man-up and tell the woman they love that they need variety which is the spice of life.

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