
Hemingway once said “always do sober what you said you’d do drunk.” Alcohol myopia is a fancy way of saying you drank too much. Being that most sex workers work in, or around areas surrounded by drugs and liquor, here’s some advice on how to stay on your square without becoming a square.

Ever notice how you make absurd statements while you’re drunk? Excess alcohol gives you false courage. “What’s that bitch looking at?” Does this sound familiar? Ever been in a situation where your mouth writes a check your behind can’t cash? That’s a famous quote from the legendary group Whodini. For those of you born in the Myspace/Facebook era, YouTube the group Whodini and learn the culture of hip-hop from one of the genre pioneers.

A drunken tongue speaks a sober mind. Alcohol is a truth serum- blah, blah, blah and the beat goes on. Whether your 9 to 5 is modeling for the ford agency (yeah right!), or you’re a full time medical student stripping at your local shake-joint to become a doctor,  Be aware of your limitations when consuming alcohol, especially when hanging out with acquaintances who you may not particularly care for. Make sure you know what you’re drinking and you’re not too wasted to realize that someone may have slipped something in your drink. Know-It-All’s Sex Worker Jewel of the week can help you.

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