Weiner’s Sext-Toy Wants To Try Porn


With a name like Sydney leathers, life behind a porn camera couldn’t have been that far off. Anthony Weiner’s sext-toy, Sydney leathers is considering an offer from Steve Hirsch and Vivid Entertainment to make a porn video acting out Anthony Weiner’s sext –text. Anthony Weiner is still running for mayor of New York City despite cries for him to withdraw from the race.

Mr. Weiner wants everyone to disregard his sexual weirdness for getting off by sending sex-text to women other than his wife. Weiner needs to make up his mind; either be the typical politician and do a better job at keeping your freakiness in the closet, or drop out the race and become a swinger with your wife on twitter. She knows you better than all of us. If she’s willing to stick with you, who am I to judge?

It’s hard to understand politricks like Weiner who enforce laws to arrest and prosecute Sex Workers. Meanwhile they patronize and lust after them when nobody’s looking. Make sure you don’t vote for Weiner. He used the alias Carlos Danger and I think the name fits. It’s a warning of the danger that will come to all of New York City if this jerk-off becomes mayor.

I support anyone trying to make ends meet, especially those that choose sex-work. Sydney Leathers is from Indiana and she’s already appeared on the Howard Stern show. She called Weiner a needy little bitch. Sex Workers stay on point—Sydney Leathers might be in it for the long run. Only time will tell. In the meantime New Yorkers, say no to an Oscar-Mayor-Weiner.

