Rick's Cabaret

Salutations to all Sex Workers still hustlin’ as I write this in the wee hours of the night. Working in a strip club is one thing. Knowing how profitable the business side is brings you to another level. Rick’s Cabaret Inc. is owned by Eric Langan. Eric started on his road to the riches over five years ago in New York City. It’s hard enough to get a bank to fund a mortgage but Eric persuaded a Houston bank to lend him three million to get it poppin in Manhattan. Rick’s Inc. put up an additional million of their own money toward a restaurant and extra trimmings to separate itself from the competition. Almost all strip clubs make the majority of their money from liquor sales. Rick’s New York charges dancers a $200 tip-out. $200 sounds like a lot, but Rick’s New York is for A-league strippers only!!!

Rick’s New York is a 10,000 square foot establishment with exclusive V.I.P jump-offs for the deep pocket individuals. The strip club is set up for the owners to win but a smart money minded stripper can make a living most people only dream about by going easy on the drinks and hard on the hustle.

Rick’s Cabaret Inc. is worth 70 million dollars today off a 3 million dollar gamble from a Houston bank. Who better to own strip clubs or at the very least be a partner in one than the Sex Worker who lives the culture? Some of those high rolling tricks you come across would love to make you happy by funding your life-long dream of owning a strip club (wink, wink). If you’re real savvy, you let him give you the money without becoming a partner. Offer to pay him back in lap dances 4-life, or money plus interest payable back no longer than five years after opening. Rick’s cost a total of four million. My suggestion is to ask for $500,000 and get something small like 3,500 square feet to start with. Stack your money and plan ahead. A 50/50 split beats a $200 a night payout.