School aide Exposed As Wannabe Porn Star


A Brooklyn school aide, Michael Alberti, 31, got caught with his pants down when investigators exposed his scheme to become a porn star. The stupid school aide, formerly employed by Juan Moral Campos Secondary School (catch your breath after saying that long name) hatched the idiotic plan to Facebook a female student and ask her to launch his porn career.

I’m sure many Sex Workers can relate to the falsehood of fame and fortune promised by shady individuals that flood our industry looking to blood suck off your talent. To all my aspiring Sex Workers and those of you already certified—beware of frauds while thinking of the innocent looking Jewish man who pulled off one of the biggest frauds in U.S history. The guy Bernie,– “Madd-off” with billions by deceiving his victims out of their life savings.

This case with the school aide should not be dismissed as unimportant because most schemes start out small and snowball into major problems. If someone ask to be your agent or promises you riches, ask for credentials and check them out online. Google is your friend. School aide Michael Alberti told the female student to tell her boyfriend that she had to see “how good her client was” before representing him” if this ain’t the lames attempt to get free sex, I don’t know what is.

You will be surprised how many people fall foe the stupidest schemes. Make sure you’re not one of them. Plenty of legit opportunities exist in the sex biz, just make sure you do your homework.
