Proof- Sex Workers have The Highest I.Q

Scream, shout, pop bottles! Celebrate! A recent article in the news shows that more and more college educated girls are coming out the closet and admitting to wanting a sugar daddy. Does this mean that Sex Workers have the highest I.Q? I sure think so! The site, has upped the ante. According to a New York Post article, high I.Q chicks that have profiles on attend Georgia State (292), NYU (285), Temple (268), University of Central Florida (221), University of South Florida (212) and Columbia University (100).

he site lets you name your price in the hopes of landing a rich older man (a.k.a sugar daddy, a.k.a trick in sex work terminology). This secret is something Sex Workers have been aware of. Does that make Sex Workers smarter? I think so. Now you got all these square chicks on this dating site looking for rich men to spend time with them b-cuz they’re beautiful.

The only problem I got with sites like this is the hypocrisy. I read thru some of the pre-requisites for seeking arrangements. In bold letters it says no escorts or prostitutes allowed. It’s easily understood why no prostitutes are allowed—duh!—It’s illegal! But why the double standard for escorts? I overstand. Most escorts are being escorted to the nearest hotel. So the operator of the site feels the need to single out Sex Workers? What a genius! Doesn’t he know that without Sex Workers he wouldn’t have no business? Sorry to break the bad news to him—the same collegiate bunnies he has on his site are the same sex-worker type.

I’m sure he had his fair share of negativity from the square types that control the media so I won’t make this an all out bash to his site. In fact, I encourage Sex Workers to find legitimate ways to live in this square society. Seeking Arrangements claims that average college-educated chicks earns three grand a month. That’s peanuts to a Sex Worker, but think of how much more you can get out of these tricks–I mean sugar daddies.

Sex workers with all their expertise and beauty have to apply what they know to get the dough. U dig? If you have to deny formally being an escort, then so be it. I’m sure most of the chicks on the site have a history of turning tricks but you ain’t heard that from me. Don’t let squares take our game and make it lame. If you do get on one of these sites make sure you follow the rules. You’re not escorting. You don’t get paid to show up to the guy’s room and act like you’re not going to fuck him for the money. This is different. You get paid a monthly fee to act out the GFE. For all those that don’t know, GFE stands for The Girlfriend Experience. What job pays better than being a rich sugar daddy’s girlfriend? It’s a wonderful experience. Just play by the rules and I’ll see you at the Bently dealer!

The Top 20 Colleges With Students Looking For Sugar Daddies in 2012:

1. Georgia State University 2. New York University
3. Temple University
4. University of Central Florida
5. University of Southern Florida
6. Arizona State University
7. Florida International University
8. University of Georgia
9. Indiana University
10. Texas State
11. Kent State University
12. Penn State
13. University of North Texas
14. Florida State University
15.Tulane University
16. Michigan State University
17. University of Ohio
18. Columbia University
19. University of Alabama
20. University of California Los Angeles
