Drug Addicted Sex Worker Gives Innocent Man Life?

Everton Wagstaffe was convicted of kidnapping and murdering 16 year-old Jennifer Negron of Brooklyn back in 1992. Mr. Wagstaffe was arrested on the word of a crack smoking, track working, Sex Worker. She testified that Mr. Wagstaffe and Reginald Connor were guilty of murder and a jury believed her.

In the line of Sex Work, I know and understand that y’all come in contact with all types of individuals and situations. If you see someone being murdered or robbed then the common sense thing to do is call the police for help. But keep this in mind: who’s gonna believe a drug addict? Obviously one jury did, but their decision might come back to haunt them 21 years later.

Enter Joann Bulter into the picture. Ms. Bulter was living with Mr. Wagstaffe on the night of the killings and insisted that he was home with her at the time the killing took place. She claims prosecutors, the police, nor the defense asked her to testify. Mr. Wagstaffe instead had another woman lie on the stand by saying he was at a party with her.

SWTR will follow this case closely and will give you the details as they become available. Word to the wise: when at work, don’t party! All my real Sex Workers know the true meaning of “party” when a trick asks you to do it, and you should just say no!

