Billion Click Chick


Jenna Marbles, age 26 has been crowned the queen of Youtube with a billion clicks. Now I know my Sex Workers are wondering what type freak shit is this chick doing to get all those tricks to click. Marbles real name is Jenna Mourey and is a retired Sex Worker (go-go dancer) who found her niche by plugging weekly videos on numerous topics like: I hate being a grown up or “ drunk make-up tutorial”. The drunk make-up video has been viewed an astonishing 14 million times!

I like to report stories like those to encourage Sex Workers to think outside the box. Selling sex doesn’t have to be physical. Who better to teach people how to apply make-up whether drunk or sober? Shit, a Sex Worker is like a postal worker—rain, sleet hail or snow,–a bitch gonna be about her dough! Ms. Marbels’ audience is surprisingly young girls 13-17. In response to the vulgar over the tip language she uses in her videos, Jenna had this to say: “in my mind, my videos sometimes are inappropriate for a 13 year-old. But that’s what they’re watching.”

At Sex Worker Talk Radio, we know and understand that adult content should be shielded from minors. In one segment Ms. Marbles says “now it’s time to do your eye make-up. I like to use colors like black because it says I’m a whore.” While that type of content is appropriate for SWTR, it’s not for tween girls searching for their identity. While Jenna Marbles comes from a sex-work background, she needs to over-stand the saying “here today, gone tomorrow. As one of our own, I would like to see her respond more politically correct and make the changes necessary to keep making 300 thousand a year from her million dollar rented house.

The jewel of this story is for Sex Workers to build brands outside of traditional sex-work. Once you establish yourself in the square world, be responsible and respect the rules or face the reality of losing your one shot for fame outside the game.
